Sunday, October 3, 2021

Leon County Fires 14 Employees Due to COVID Vaccine Policy – Tallahassee Reports

Leon County Fires 14 Employees Due to COVID Vaccine Policy - Tallahassee Reports


As of Friday, October 1, 2021, 14 Leon County employees were fired from their positions for non-compliance with Leon County’s vaccine mandate.

In a letter sent to all county employees on Saturday, October 2, Vince Long, the Leon County administrative officer, thanked the 700 employees who were fully vaccinated and the 30 who had submitted housing.

“I would like to thank all of our employees for doing their part to minimize the very serious health risks for employees and their families and to help ensure that our organizational readiness is ensured to provide basic services and to meet the needs of the community we serve to enter. ”Long stated in the letter.

“As we did during the pandemic, Leon County will continue to do everything reasonable and responsible to protect our community and provide our employees with safe and healthy workplaces …” he wrote.

On Friday October 1st, a letter was sent from the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) to Leon Vince Long’s district administrator. In the letter, Director Doug Woodlief urged Long to “immediately suspend (no later than 11:59 PM on October 1, 2021) his policy, which violates Section 381.00316 of the Florida Bylaws, and refrain from dismissing employees.” who did not provide a vaccination certificate.

The FDOH letter threatened Leon County with fines for any employee who was required to provide proof of vaccination. The fines would be $ 5,000 per employee, a total of $ 3.5 million for Leon County.

In his letter on Saturday, Long pledged to fight back: “There is a real disagreement about the applicability of the law and rule, and the county will enforce its rights using any legal remedy if necessary.”



The post Leon County Fires 14 Employees Due to COVID Vaccine Policy – Tallahassee Reports first appeared on Daily Florida Press.

from Daily Florida Press

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