Monday, October 25, 2021

Tampa Doctors Protect Children From COVID This Halloween

Tampa Doctors Protect Children From COVID This Halloween

This is not the year for apples.

On the other hand – aside from the pandemic – the Halloween tradition of kids drooling in a bucket of water and apples is unsanitary every year, said Dr. Paul Nanda, family doctor at Tampa General Hospital.

His family plans to dress up as the actors appearing in Moana. But they will still take steps to stay safe for the second Halloween of the pandemic.

While the kids look forward to showing off their costumes and collecting a pillowcase full of candy, parents should keep an eye out for the scariest threat this Halloween: a “twinkle chemistry,” a heavy flu season that unfolds alongside an ongoing pandemic, and the healthcare system overstrained.

Contagion with a virus could leave one vulnerable to the other. But children under the age of 11 are not yet eligible to receive the COVID vaccine, and it takes weeks for the flu shot to kick in. This is why it is important for adults and older children – especially if they are not vaccinated – to be concerned with pandemic safety in younger children this Halloween.

BayCare Children’s Wellness and Safety Specialists Nanda and Michelle Sterling share these tips with parents and partygoers to keep them safe while partying.

Related: Florida kids still lead all ages positively as COVID cases fall

Is Trick-or-Treating Safe?

Yes sir.

That’s because it’s generally an outdoor activity that gives people space for social distance and air to ventilate. However, additional steps can be taken to ensure that this is done safely.

Instead of crowding everyone around the front door, Nanda recommends setting up a table with sweets and hand sanitizer at the end of the driveway or at least away from the entrance so that children and parents can interact more safely.

That started in Nanda’s Tampa neighborhood last year in the face of COVID.

“Parents gather, sometimes with an adult drink in hand,” he said. “It just prevents a lot of people from being in a small space.”

It’s also safer for kids to wait to get home so they can wash their hands before rummaging through their prey, Sterling said.

How about some indoor trick-or-treating?

Trick or treat outside is the safer option, Nanda said. Families who opt for trick or treating indoors, in a mall or building should keep their masks on and practice social distancing as much as possible.

Halloween parties? Haunted houses? Adult pub crawls?

The risk of transmitting COVID – and the flu – always increases when people gather in crowded spaces. Vaccination protects you and others.

Nanda suggests that guests must provide proof of vaccination and a negative COVID test result before they are allowed to come to the party.

Pub crawls tend to get crowded, so Nanda is wary of this activity this year. While the delta variant wave is receding, winter could bring a new wave of infections with it.

For all other celebrations, said Nanda, the same advice applies: mask yourself. Social distance if possible. Know that it is safer to meet outdoors. And get vaccinated.

Related: The White House plans to vaccinate 28 million children ages 5 to 11

Where is the safest place to celebrate Halloween?

It’s the same place that kept many safe during the 20 month pandemic: home.

Sterling suggests carving or painting pumpkins, decorating with homemade Halloween crafts, hosting a spooky movie night, or having a candy-filled scavenger hunt all over the house.

“There are a lot of different ways to have fun when you choose to stay home,” said Sterling.

What if my kids just got the COVID vaccine or the flu shot or both?

Anyone who can get vaccinated should do so as soon as possible. But kids who do this now cut it short for Halloween.

The flu shot takes at least two weeks to take full effect. Children between 6 months and 8 years of age who are getting their first or second flu shot need two doses, according to CDC guidelines. The second dose is given four weeks after the first.

Children 12 years and older receiving the Pfizer COVID vaccine will need two weeks after the second dose to achieve full immunity.

Nanda still encourages anyone who thinks about either shot to get both immediately.

If you do this now, children and everyone else will be protected for the holidays to come. Travel and family gatherings during Thanksgiving and Christmas will create more opportunities for disease to spread, just as it did last year, according to Nanda. Florida also enters the flu season, which peaks in January and February.

So it’s worth taking your recordings now.

Related: Get a flu shot and the COVID vaccine to help Florida avoid “twindemic”

What does the CDC say about holiday celebrations?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend avoiding crowded, poorly ventilated rooms and avoid using masks indoors. Meeting outdoors is always preferable.

People who have been vaccinated should continue to wear masks in communities with high transmission rates or households with people with compromised immune systems. Children under 2 years of age should not wear masks.

The CDC encourages unvaccinated people to get the vaccination as soon as possible to protect children under 11 who are not yet eligible for the vaccine. If families from different parts of the country congregate, they should consider getting a COVID test before traveling.

Do you have any other safety tips for kids during Halloween?

Poisoned candy is the stuff of “urban legends” according to the myth-destroying website There have been some cases of metal pens and razor blades hidden in Halloween candy, but these cases are rare. Parents should still check the candy when they get home.

The real Halloween danger is being out on the streets at night.

Pedestrians are at greater risk of being injured by drivers on Halloween. Sterling is reminding drivers to watch out for children and to be extra careful when driving trick or treating or having neighborhood parties.

Parents should remind their children to watch out for drivers, Sterling said, so they should always look “left, right, left” before crossing the street and only cross at the end of intersections or driveways where the concrete meets the street . It is dangerous to cross the street by jumping from one lawn to another.

Sterling said another hazard is dark costumes, which make it difficult for drivers to see trick-or-treaters. Parents should add reflective material to their children’s outfits so that they are more visible at night.

• • •

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The post Tampa Doctors Protect Children From COVID This Halloween first appeared on Daily Florida Press.

from Daily Florida Press

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