Sunday, July 25, 2021

Remove advertisements from buses of the regional transport system

RTS buses park at Rosa Parks RTS Downtown Station Station on 700 SE Third St. to pick up passengers. [Photo by Voleer Thomas/For The Guardian]

Remove RTS advertisements

The Regional Transit System is one of Gainesville’s greatest advantages, but you don’t need a 20/20 vision to see how it can be improved. If you look at the passing buses, you can’t see inside at all. The windows are all blocked by advertisements so that potential drivers cannot see how full the bus is or who is already driving.

Discovering the numerous advertisements on our buses is also not a sight visitors to Gainesville want to see. The city should remove the ads and improve driver visibility. Far more people would probably be more willing to drive if they could see who’s already seated in a seat rather than walking awkwardly to the bus and hoping that a seat would be free for them.

We already have visibility standards for buildings, let’s distribute that over the transit.

Cassie Webb, Gainesville

Further opinion:Readers comment on the Haile Homestead, a faded bridge, and more

Proactively deal with threats

On my daily drive through Alachua County, through rural and urban areas, there is a lot that you don’t have to see. They are things that devastate the landscape and pose both environmental and physical threats.

In many places there are vehicles: broken, broken or otherwise abandoned that have been standing for years. Overgrown with weeds, they’ll rust, rot, potentially leak fluids into the ground, and are breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Then there are abandoned structures: RVs, storage trailers and containers, houses, sheds and commercial buildings. Some structures have collapsed or have no windows and doors. With the potential for bugs and insects, they are health hazards for the homeless looking for shelter or city explorers looking for excitement.

What needs to be done District and city law compliance officers should keep an eye on the situation and warn or cite violations. Another option would be an amnesty period: have an abandoned vehicle towed away for free, and selling the scrap would likely cover the costs. Non-compliant structures must be repaired or otherwise demolished with reduced permit fees.

As our county and urban areas grow, our government needs to take care of things before they become problems. Be proactive, not reactive.

Richard DesChenes, Archer

Comprehensive reforms needed

Until our greedy and corrupt human nature changes, both parties will continue to be under an economic and criminal curse. There must be profound reforms and fundamental changes. We are a political bias machine.

The entire economic system of the world must be rebuilt from the ground up based on true value. No “isms” like capitalism, socialism, classicism, Marxism or communism have worked. Historically, the invisible hand of Adam Smith’s government failed, as did John M. Keynes’ ideas of manipulation.

Now it takes a strong hand from somewhere or some act of God to change the building blocks of society and human behavior.

Tom Pennisi, Gainesville

Start again

A prominent 20th century historian recommended studying the economics of American trade on which our country and constitution were built. “Laws codify morality,” he said. “Economy ignores both.”

We weren’t here then. The American ship of state was built on the economic keel that ignores morality and designs laws to serve trade at the expense of everyone else.

We are here now. The keel cracks. Repairing it requires the attention, sacrifice, participation, and persistence of every American.

The greatest generation has shown us how. You taught us how. Take the baton. Start again.

Susan Stanton, Gainesville

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The post Remove advertisements from buses of the regional transport system first appeared on Daily Florida Press.

from Daily Florida Press

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