Saturday, August 28, 2021

Phoenix and Las Vegas are further north than Atlanta and Miami, but are warmer. Why?

Phoenix and Las Vegas are further north than Atlanta and Miami, but are warmer. Why?

Dear Tom,
Phoenix and Las Vegas are further north than Atlanta and Miami, but are much warmer. Why should that be?
—Thad Morrison, Lombard
Dear Thad,
Terrain, humidity and cloud cover explain it. The typically haze-free and cloud-free desert environment – outside of the monsoon season – allows strong sunlight to heat desert sand and rocks more efficiently. Once heated, these surfaces radiate heat to the atmosphere and keep temperatures high even at night. Compression heating occurs near mountains that have air descending, such as Phoenix and Las Vegas. In comparison, Atlanta and Miami are more humid and have hazier skies, more clouds, and more rainfall. Such an atmosphere does not heat up as efficiently as in a drier climate.


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The post Phoenix and Las Vegas are further north than Atlanta and Miami, but are warmer. Why? first appeared on Daily Florida Press.

from Daily Florida Press

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